“One Step” PROCEDURE cranio-orbital recostruction
Until recently the neoplasms of the basilar skull infiltrating in the
sphenoidal orbitofrontal region have been treated by means of
particularly invasive and laborious reconstructive surgery techniques.
Thanks to the ONE-STEP procedure and the accuracy of our
custom-made implantations, these surgeries have now become
technically faster and easier to perform, with excellent clinical
and aesthetic results.
The images show a spheno-orbital meningioma treated with a
protocol of surgical removal and reconstruction in a single procedure.
The ONE-STEP procedure is carried out in two phases:
The 3D model is produced according to the thin layer CT of the patient.The removal of the neoplastic lesion on the 3D model is performed with the aid of the neuronavigator.Subsequently, the post craniotomy CT HD is carried out on the same model.At this stage the Biocad CUSTOM MADE prosthesis is designed and produced.
Surgical step:
Bone and intracranial tumor resection and implantation, following the same process used for the BIOCADONE-STEP prosthesis.
Three months after the operation patients were subjected to clinical and aesthetical re-evaluation (to assess three months after the operation patients were subjected to clinical and aesthetical re-evaluation (to assessfacial and ocular asymmetries) and ophthalmologic testing (visual field, visual acuity and ocular motility).
A CT both density scan and a post operation cerebral MR confirmed a perfect anatomical reconstruction.
The use of the ONE STEP procedure in the treatmentThe use of the ONE STEP procedure in the treatmentof the benign lesions of the spheno-orbitalregion has permitted a significant reduction in theoperation times, enabling as well an accuratecranial reconstructions with excellent aestheticresults.
A greater reliability in the reconstruction ofthe orbital region also facilitates a higher radicalremoving of the osseous components.